Corona Virus 6th Edition . Herbal Drinks / Infusions


Herbal Drinks/ Infusions.

Hierba Buena ( Peppermint ). Has a beautiful aroma and is a great hot drink to help with digestion and any nauseas you may feel.

Manzanilla ( Camomile  ). Recommended to be taken after meals, good for digestion, helps with any pain, relax the pesadez, ulcers or gastritis.

Ortiga or Nettle. Is a plant rich in the vitamins B, C and E and in minerals like, hierro, calcium, magnesium or zinc. A great hot drink with lots of benefits as well as nutrients. Ortiga can help reduce inflammation, enlarged prostrate, hay fever, blood pressure and help with blood sugar control, tiredness and colds etc.

Culantro/Cilantro or Coriander. As an infusion it is good for the stomach, colds and flu. Culantro will relieve you when you have a stomach ache or vomiting. It also helps with asthma, lowers blood pressure and helps with epileptic seizures. It has a calming effect, soothes away seizures and also helps with headaches when drunk as a tea.

Herba Luisa. Lemon Grass. Helps the digestion after eating as well as gases. It is a relaxant and great to take as a hot drink when you have a fever or a cold.

Mate de Coca. Great infusion/ hot drink for the altitude.

Muna. Found in the high altitudes, hot drink and is known as a stimulant.

Oregano. One of the benefits is respiratory in the case of ailments such as Asma and Bronchitis

Menta or Mint. Mint tea is a very well-known infusion. It is rich in nutrients and is thought to improve irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, brain function, flues and colds, bad breath and is very easy to add to your diet.

Salvia or Sage. Known for helping a sore throat, a cough, rheumatism as well as a delicate stomach.

Tilo. Is a relaxant, helps with the nervous system as well as insomnia.

Anis. Contains several important minerals such as iron, manganese and calcium. Can help reduce depression, stomach ulcers and balance sugar levels.

Cola de Cabayo or Horse Tail. Helps relieves toxins in the liver and kidney. Also good for fluid retention, bladder stones, urinary tract infections.

Romero or Rosemary. Is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, thought to boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. Also helps with indigestion and improves level of concentration.

Diente de Leon or Lions Tooth. Improves the bones, helps with diabetes, infections of the skin, acne and reduces the retention of liquids.

Eucalipto oe Eucalyptus. This hot drink is commonly used to treat symptoms of cold and flu and also be a soothing tonic.

Jengibre ( quoin) or Ginger. Well known for soothing digestive issues and in particular nausea. It can also help with blood pressure, headaches/ migraines and is rich in antioxidants.

Tomillo or Thyme. As a hot drink will relieve coughing, sore throat and symptoms of an acute bronchitis as well as upset stomach, nausea and constipation. It is also high in vitamin C and vitamin A, copper, iron, manganese, potassium and antioxidants like thymol and carvacrol.

Lavanda. Thought to calm nerves and lead to better sleep.

Calendula. Is a traditional remedy used in folk medicine because of its therapeutic properties. It is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components which can fight cancer, protect against heart disease and ease muscle fatigue.

Toronjil or Melisa. Known for helping anxiety, depression, nervous tension and digestion.

Cedron. Well known for its medical properties. It helps with improving digestion, diarrhoea, eliminates internal gases, controls nerves and anxiety. It also eliminates gases, helps lose weight, controls allergic reactions, eliminates toxins, treats irritable bowel syndrome, controls pain and stomach spasms. It also treats insomnia, headaches and stress. The most effective way to benefit from this plant is to take it as an infusion or tea.


Add to a meal.

Apio or Celery. Very rich in vitamins and minerals with a good source of fibre as well as being low in calories. Its a great food for losing weight or maintaining a healthy digestion. Celery is loaded with antitoxins, these include well known varieties such as flavonoids and vitamin C, as well as lunularin and bergapten. All this and other antioxidants help prevent oxidative stress that contributes to cancer.

Perejil or Parsley. Often referred to as one of the most powerful disease fighting plants with nutritional and health benefits.  Used to treat conditions like high blood pressure, allergies and inflammatory diseases and is widely used as a fresh culinary herb or dried spice. It has a mild, bitter flavour that’s pairs well with many recipes.

Albahaca or Basil. This is a powerful antioxidant as well as an excellent source of vitamin K, manganese, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. It’s also a good source of calcium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. Basil is not only a common cooking herb, it’s also an oil which is extracted to make an essential oil, for treating wounds, cuts, and skin infections.

Cilantro or Coriander. This is a fragment plant, rich in antioxidants that has many culinary uses and health benefits. It’s thought to lower your blood sugar, fight infections and promote heart, brain, skin and digestive health. You can easily add coriander seeds or leaves to your diet.

Oregon. Used a lot with food, it has a strong flavour and brings warmth and a subtle hint of sweetness. It can be found fresh or dried or even as an oil. Used in small amounts Oregon packs in some important nutrients. Just one teaspoon of dried Oregon can fulfil about eight percent of your daily intake of vitamin K and can help fight bacteria to reducing inflammation.  Studies have unearthed some very impressive benefits with regard to Oregon.

Berro or Watercress. Is packed with nutrients and in particular vitamin K. It is high in antioxidants which lower your risk of chronic diseases, also contains compounds that help with certain types of cancers and is good for heart health. Watercress is also a good source of calcium.

Verdolarga or Purslane. Despite being seen as a weed, Verdolarga is a highly notorious, leafy green vegetable. It is loaded with antioxidants, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and beneficial plant compounds. Calorie for calorie it is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on earth.

Chia. Despite their small size, chia seeds are full of important nutrients. They are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, rich in anti-oxidants and they provide fibre, iron and calcium. Chia seeds provide more omega 3, calcium, phosphorus and fibre than flaxseeds. Most people do not consume enough of these essential nutrients.

Linaza or Flack Seed. Is regarded as a super food and can be used to help with digestive issues such as constipation, thanks to its high fibre content. Been used to lower cholesterol levels, some cancers have been treated, along with weight management and improving you insulin sensitivity. It is also well known for its healthy omega 3, fatty acids and its fibre.

Ajonjoli or Sesame Seads.  Very good source of fibre, which is a good support to the digestive system. It may also play a role in reducing   cholesterol and triglycerides, which are high risk for heart disease. It can also help with certain cancers, obesity and type two diabetes.

Pacay Fruit. Widely grown in Peru by indigenous Amazonia’s for shade, food, timber, medicine and production of the alcoholic beverage cachari. When you open its soft shells, it reveals a trial of white cottony pulp, surrounding black seeds. It provides plenty of soluble dietary fibre, which helps ward of cholesterol and fats as well as giving relief from constipation. Pacay is also rich in vitamins, minerals, micro nutrients and ante oxidants, all of which help prevent the body or at least prolong the natural changes of aging by protecting and rejuvenating cells, tissues and organs.

Cupoacu Fruit. This fruit is rich in antioxidants, which help keep our bodies healthy against hazards such as pollution, cigarette smoke, herbicides and more. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can only be good for you. In terms of brain health, Cupoaci has epicatechin an antioxidant that can improve your blood flow around the brain/ improving your memory. Heart and blood vessel health is another benefit, there is a plant pigment in the Cupoacu which is known to destroy the fat cells in the body from building up. It blocks the body absorption of glucose all of which helps against coronary heart disease. It’s also effective against bacterial strains, particularly bacteria that targets, the skin, lungs and digestive tract.




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